Best rider,
The year is coming to a close. A good time to look back on a beautiful and busy year in which we were able to tackle a lot in several areas. We had a large number of saddles renewed and fitted by a saddle maker. Furthermore, many young horses were purchased and several foals were born so that we will have enough fine riding school horses for the coming years.
For the coming years there are several plans and wishes to further prepare our beautiful company for the future. The main focus will be on horse welfare. Well-fitting saddles, improving grazing in bad weather and, if necessary, a horse physio or dentist are on the agenda.
To take a first step in this, Sylvester and Haddock get to enjoy their retirement in early January! Sylvester may live out his old age on a farm together with a donkey. Haddock will stay with us at the stables as long as she is still happy and healthy, unless we can find another nice place for her.
Tijdens de nieuwjaarsreceptie op zaterdag 4 januari kan voor de laatste keer afscheid genomen worden van Sylvester, jij komt toch ook?!
15.00 – 17.00 uur: spelletjesmiddag met pony’s voor de jeugd (gratis) – wel graag vooraf aanmelden per email [email protected]
20.00 - 02.00: New Year's Reception Adults - As every year we will organize something fun in our indoor arena. This will take place between 8:30 pm and 10:00 pm at the latest. Registration is not necessary.
If you have any questions, comments or ideas, feel free to reach out to me. I will be happy to make some time.
- As of January 1, the rates of lessons and outdoor rides are not yet changing. On April 1, 2020 we will increase our prices. You will receive timely notice.
- The terms and conditions for our classes have been updated and compiled into a readable file. Please take a moment to read them: Algemene voorwaarden lesabonnement